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  1. Kansas Cane

    2023 King Mack, S, STA

  2. Kansas Cane

    2023 King Mack, S, STA

    If we could somehow luck into Mack and Hussey...whoa, buddy...I'd be ecstatic. Stafford, Joseph, Damari, Mack, Hussey....highly versatile dudes with playmaking ability. I'm dreaming, I know, but that's the kind of haul we need.
  3. Kansas Cane

    2023 King Mack, S, STA

    Holy Sheeiiit. How fun would that be!
  4. Kansas Cane

    2023 King Mack, S, STA

    Coach Hayes giddy as heck in the vid. That alone for me = TAKE CITY! Kid’s range would be a great compliment to Bonsu. Or just get King and Hussey.
  5. Kansas Cane

    2023 King Mack, S, STA

    Didn’t realize he’d shot up in rankings like this too. Good grief!