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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    @Rickd Remember when you called me a troll for saying what Rad just said?
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    It’s on the west side (Gulf of Mexico) and just a little further south than Orlando is. I guess technically you could consider the Gulf of Mexico part of the Atlantic and say USF should be an ACC school. Calling themselves the University of South Florida is a bit weird though as they are...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    I don’t think the big10 cares all that much about the Tampa market. The more important thing is Fox being able to charge all the OSU and PSU alum in Florida 25x as much to subscribe to Fox Sports. USF might be willing to work for peanuts just to get in the B1G , and it sounds like UM is...
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Historically there is very very very bad blood between Notre Dame and the Big10. Goes back more than a century and has a lot to do with the conference (especially Michigan) being anti-Catholic and keeping ND out. That’s a key reason ND opted to affiliate with the ACC instead of the Big10 last...
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    I’m sure many will disagree but I don’t think it’s a particularly risky bet. IMO it’s inevitable. If you asked me 3 months ago, I’d say it could be 10-15 years to get there. But now with players getting paid (didn’t see that happening so soon), I just don’t see how the collective bargaining...
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    good catch. You might be right, but I think the current contract says espn can only renegotiate the deal if the number of teams drop below 15. ACC added 3 teams so it stays above the number. ESPN could try and sue but I don’t think it has much of a case as the deal didnt say which 15 teams...
  7. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    About 700 pages ago I said this likely ends with espn working out a deal to pay the ACC to move FSU and Clemson to the SEC. ACC stays intact for the short term. No one goes to the B1G until 2028. The math works because I think the target date for the next round of expansion is 2028. That...
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Politics make strange bedfellows. That is one of the reasons I thought the ACC could survive in some form- it’s pretty much all dependent on UNC. ACC almost certainly gives insane amounts of lobbying money to North Carolina politicians. They will try to preserve the ACC at any cost...
  9. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    I thought about the NC St split but I don’t think keeping them in the same conference would matter as much as making sure NC St doesn’t end up in the G5. Also as we see from FSU UF, you can still have an annual game between the two. As for Pitt, you are probably right, in which case swap...
  10. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    One remote possibility thats been mentioned but would be intriguing is if the ACC votes to disband and then reforms with fewer teams. Payouts per team go way up. It would be the “academic elite” conference with a mix of private schools and elite public schools (with the exception of FSU and...
  11. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    lol unfortunately no. When I was in college a zillion years ago my girlfriend (who I didn’t marry) was a basketball player with an identical twin, I would have hooked you up :LOL:
  12. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    If we’re talking about the NC filing, then first things first, the NC Supreme Court has to decide whether the business court was wrong in deciding 5 of 6 motions in favor of the ACC. FSU has petitioned for a writ of certiorari. As far as I know, the court has not granted it. If the NC SCourt...
  13. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Thunderdome. Two men enter, one man leaves. But bikini oil mud wrestling is good too. Right after my first date with the gal who became my wife, she invited me to watch her in a bikini oil mud wrestling event. She was tossing girls out of the mud pit like it was the Royal Rumble, then hit a...
  14. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Kinda. It’s not a joint stipulation (ACC and FSU agreeing to fundamental facts) which I think some people are making it out to be. This is an FSU amended filing where they are telling the court, "See, the ACC said what we said- so they are in total agreement! Case closed.” ACC is almost...
  15. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    It is quite odd- when I mentioned assclowns, you apparently felt I was talking about you and are the ONLY poster who reacted to it. Within minutes of my post you wrote your childish insults even though I have no idea who you are, and I’ve never exchanged a message with you previously. So...
  16. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Awww, does it bother you that much that I’ve called it exactly right since the beginning? Assclowns like you dont like me because I don’t sugarcoat the facts instead of saying what people want to hear. I will always remember the words your mom told me after the gangbang, “Its like Plato said-...
  17. Handsome Squidbum

    MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

    Yup. But I have to warn you- don’t you dare do any critical thinking and consider whether full shares for five years in the Big 12 might be better than 3-4 years of 50% shares in the B1G when you end up in a combined megaconference either way 5 years from now. The assclowns won’t like it.