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  1. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Kids speed is so questionable he was doing 141 and still couldn’t get away
  2. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    I’m old enough to have baby sat these young whipper snappers
  3. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Rumor has it he’s also Trim
  4. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Target Numero Uno in next winter portal
  5. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Just need 1 more Commodore DB to complete our defensive backfield
  6. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Corey Collier
  7. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Correction Sam McCall has entered
  8. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Hopefully Mario has some staffers treating that “no contact tag” like extended warranty telemarketers treat the “do not call” list
  9. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Don’t care if he’s good or not, I’d take him as long he’s wears Najeh Davenports number
  10. TRick72

    Potential Portal DB’s (CB’s & S’s only)

    Sharpe is too fast….