Off-Topic Crime 2.0

Anyone know if Libs X posts about Christian pedophiles or just public schools?

Would make sense for a pedo to go where the kids are and where the parents are most trusting--schools and churches. We really need village justice. This ****wad should get his fair trial and upon a guilty verdict, taken directly behind the jail for an appointment with the gallows. No sitting in a cell for 40 years, no getting to live a worthless life producing nothing of value to the world. Send these pieces of **** straight to the afterlife to be judged by the creator for their wickedness.
Libs of TikTok account on X

Seems she only posts about public school teachers
I think she’s just making a point that there’s a lot of sick ***** teaching kids

Yeah, there’s a lot of Catholic priests and many others too

They all have a warm place in **** waiting for them