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  1. Brains

    Taylor turned down $600K to return

    I tend to agree that the number seems inflated, but if it was half that, he still should have come back. That's an incredible year, and at 22, the TVM is excellent.
  2. Brains

    Taylor turned down $600K to return

    Yeah, but he had to know he was going to divebomb the combine. How could he not know this?
  3. Brains

    Taylor turned down $600K to return

    Yeah I mean he's in great need of relentless fat shaming.
  4. Brains

    Taylor turned down $600K to return

    600k at age 22? Unless you're going high in the draft, you take that money and throw it all into your Vanguard brokerage. Even a ******* money market is getting 5%. Good lord he would have been in great shape!